Hi! I’m Cassie.
I’ve thought about starting a blog many times, and I’ve always been a little hesitant. Will people want to read what I have to say? Do I have anything new to talk about? Are people really interested in what I’m doing? After having this conversation on and off with myself for the last year, I decided, you know what – my grandma wants to read what I have to say. 🙂
I give you… The Farmer’s Daughter.
Let me introduce myself.
I grew up in a small town in northeastern Oklahoma. When I say small, I mean population 2,000 small. I lived on a cattle ranch. Weekends were spent working cattle, painting fence, and cleaning barns. In the summer it was baling hay and spending long, hot days at Grand Lake. Growing up on a ranch we ate the beef we raised; used eggs from my great-uncle, Punk; vegetables came from my grandparents HUGE garden; and spread jelly on our biscuits made by my great-grandma, Jewel (plum was my favorite).
After high school I moved to Norman, OK, to attend the University of Oklahoma.
While at OU, I met this cutie. You’ll be seeing a lot of him.
Today, in addition to my oil and gas job, I teach Barre classes at an awesome little studio in Moore, OK, called Next Level Fitness and I’m about to start yoga teacher training in February.
I’m a part time sugar artist (fancy title for a cake decorator), and a wannabe helicopter pilot.

The Farmer’s Daughter is going to have easy to follow tutorials. I’m going to give you all my tips and tricks to decorate a cake.

I’m pretty good at flying in a straight line, just don’t ask me to take off or land. Who wants a ride?!
My real passion, and the inspiration for this blog is… food. I firmly believe that what we put into our bodies impacts every part of our lives. A green smoothie cures my sniffles, chicken noodle soup makes a cold not so bad, and you can’t have a proper celebration without a cake.
A conversation with my grandma became my inspiration. In pursuit of better health, my grandparents are trying to eat better food: whole, non-processed, fresh, focusing on fruits and vegetables. Because we live hours apart, this is best way I could think of to share recipes and ideas with them.
I’m not talking about just healthy eating, I want to focus on eating for your health – mental and physical. I want to show you how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet; make easy, less processed substitutions for foods you already love; and show you even sweet indulgences have their place.
I’m The Farmer’s Daughter, I love kale… and cake.
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Your grandma isn’t the only one who will read your blog!
I’ll be reading!
Yay! Can’t wait to read more 🙂
Exciting! 🙂
Aww Cassie.. I’ll be reading! How fun 🙂
Awesome! We need some Cassie inspiration.
Already a must-read! I’m addicted!
I would like to hear more from The Farmers Daughter:)
Love you Cass! Great name for a blog! You’re one of the most interesting (in the best way possible) people I know. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Way to go Cassie! Love it! Love you too!
Thank you all so much for the encouragement! I’m really excited to get started!
I can’t wait to read more! Xoxo
I’m not much on veggies even though I know i need to eat them. Pretty much potatoes, corn and green beans are it. Can’t do a green salad more then once a week. I am looking forward to seeing the recipes. Maybe a can find a way I can eat those wonderful things they call vegetables. I will sure to be reading what you have to say.
Loved it… I will be following!!!!
I, too, am a farmer’s daughter who has been thinking a long time of doing a blog. I grew up in Southeast Kansas and have a home on Grand Lake in Grove. I am sure we could talk! I have spent my life teaching aerobic dance in the 80’s, coaching sports since I was a teenager, leading different fitness classes, and own a karate school. I live in the beautiful resort town of Breckenridge (for business) where I plan to teach martial arts and Essentrics (aka Classical Stretch – the Esmonde Technique). This is a phenomenal program that transforms your body to long and lean quite quickly. I discovered it on PBS years ago, and it still airs everyday in most places. However, I eat horribly! I did give up donuts eight years ago at a karate camp in Arkansas, so I decided in 2014 I could give up potatoes (not sweet potatoes!). Anyway, I am very interested in what you have to share. Good luck! Fellow Farmer’s Daughter from SEK.
Thanks for following, Nancy! I hope I can give you a few ideas.