This was a whirlwind of a weekend.
My alarm went off at 4:45am Friday morning. I usually meet a friend for a 6 am spin class and breakfast, but she couldn’t make it; so I agreed to sub the 6 am Hot Vinyasa Flow class at Yoga at Tiffany’s. It’s so much fun to sub different time slots than the ones I normally teach. I get a whole new group of people and I feel like it’s my first time teaching all over again.
Home by 7:30 am, I showered and immediately started baking. My little sister was graduating from OSU this last weekend and I agreed to bring cupcakes to her after-party. I also had a cake due Friday afternoon for an end-of-season volleyball party.
Friday was a blur. Lots of baking, decorating, packing, shopping, cleaning, and mowing. The hubs and I loaded everything up, and left Norman around 6:30 pm to head to Stillwater. Whitney asked if I would come up Friday night to help her set up for the party Saturday. I had forgotten that college kids don’t sleep… that meant a late night for this old couple.
Up late Friday, up early Saturday. GRADUATION DAY!!! Hooray!!
Whitney graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology. Her degree is in Construction Management. She is one of four girls that graduated with that major – I’m 99% positive that’s why she chose this degree. 😉 I kid, I kid…but seriously.
Before the ceremony began, we all went to her college for breakfast and a meet and greet. She was so excited to show us all around and introduce us to her friends and professors.
Graduation was at Gallagher-Iba Arena, a short walk from the reception.
When we arrived back at Whitney’s house, we were surprised to find a huge Disney princess moon bounce in her front yard. Apparently, it’s not a graduation party without a moon bounce!
Lunch was catered by Qdoba – please notice the massive commercial grade margarita machine in the corner. This was another Whitney surprise. She got margaritas for 150 people… there were 25 at the party. I’m pretty sure she didn’t think through the whole margarita + moon bounce scenario.

Cupcakes by your’s truly. Whitney requested vanilla, mint-chocolate chip, and margarita. 5 dozen total! Whew! Dump truck toppers on the vanilla since she has a construction degree. The margarita cupcake was a huge hit! I received several requests for this recipe. As soon as I figure out the measurements I used, I’ll get it posted.

Cookies by Laura. Laura and I went to high school together and she makes the CUTEST cookies! Check her out at ShopCookieCouture.
For the past three years Whitney interned with FlintCo., and within the last few months has started working for them full time. She helped on the construction of the Devon Tower in OKC, the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Catoosa, and lately she has been working on the student union and indoor practice facilities at OSU. If you ask Whit, she’ll tell you she built them with her own bare hands. If you saw her soft hands, you wouldn’t believe her for a second!
Beginning June 1, she is moving to Ft. Smith, Arkansas, to begin construction on a new casino that FlintCo. is overseeing. She’s not far from our family around Tulsa, but she’s a LONG way from me in Norman. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.
I’m so proud of this silly, little girl. I should of known that this little country bumpkin would grow up to be a Poke. 😉
Balloon Girl! You did the sweetest (pun intended) tribute with your words and cupcakes to Baby Sister!
Love you Donna Mc