August was an exciting month for our little man – we took a trip to the lake (first time since Memorial Day!), continued our weekly Sunday Supper Club, and he started school! He has been excited about school for months. He couldn’t hardly wait to be around friends again.
Monthly Recap – April 2020
We spent nearly the entire month of April at home. No trips to the grocery store, no park play dates, no spending Easter with family. Beyond walks and bike rides around the neighborhood, we really didn’t leave our bubble. It wasn’t all bad though. Chief did a lot of new things. He continued to dress…
Monthly Recap – February 2020
This month Chief FINALLY got the thing he’s been asking for since Thanksgiving – SNOW. It was as magical as we hoped. Generally snow in Oklahoma is accompanied with ice, wind, and general misery, but not today. The morning was still; the biggest, softest flakes were falling from the sky and the temperature was mild…