We took this trip in July, but Chief had such an incredible week it deserved a post all on it’s own!
Our dear friends invited us to spend the week with them in Stonewall, CO. It was just what we needed. There was no cell service, no sense of time, no TVs, no distractions – it felt like the hard reset we were all craving.

Chief had the time of his life – that boy is made for the mountains! He spent every waking moment outside. He threw pinecones in every stream, splashed in every puddle, and climbed every tree. He came home with bruises on his shins, skinned knees, dirt in his hair, and a bee sting – he couldn’t have been happier.

As Chief would explore around the cabin or on our hikes, we would see elk poop EVERYWHERE. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but the little man is TERRIFIED of poop – his poop, animal poop, it’s all scary. We were constantly explaining that there was nothing to be scared of, poop’s not scary. In a moment of desperation Chase told him that poop was a great thing – it makes the grass grow! Chief clung to it like it was the best thing he ever heard. Now if we come across dog poop on a walk or bird poop on my windshield he proudly tells everyone “Poop makes the grass grow!” I have a feeling we’re going to have to cross a very uncomfortable bridge in our near future.
We took all the kids hiking one day. It was about a 3 mile hike starting at 10,000 feet elevation. We had been warned that part of the trail climbed up a steep hill to get to the lookout, so Chase and I were already preparing ourselves to carry Chief a portion of the hike. Well guess what he did? He climbed EVERY STEP ALL BY HIMSELF. Not only did he walk the whole thing, he stayed 50 ft in front of us. We were so proud of him.
I got some one-on-one time with my best friend – spending time in the kitchen and going on harder hikes. Chase got to spend a day fly-fishing. We all came home with our cups filled.
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