De Quervain’s disease is a painful inflammation of tendons in the thumb that extend to the wrist (tenosynovitis). The swollen tendons and their coverings rub against the narrow tunnel through which they pass. The result is pain at the base of the thumb and extending into the lower arm. – WebMD
Staying active with de Quervain’s (or any injury!) has got to be one of the hardest things to do. If you already have some sort of a workout regimen, an injury totally throws your normal routine out the window.
With my injury, I can’t use my hands. I’ve got a splint on my left hand to completely immobilize my thumb. The hope is if I let it rest completely, no surgery will be necessary. So far, so good! The swelling has already gone down tremendously!
My normal workout routine has been turned on its head. I’ve been going to a lot of spin classes, running (when the weather is nice), teaching barre classes, and doing this short, heart-pumping, no hands circuit at home.
Teaching yoga has been the most frustrating. Without the use of my hands, my classes have really been focusing on hips, back, hamstrings, shoulders – lots of standing poses. I give them options for arm balances, but if they don’t already know how to do it – I can’t teach it right now. It has forced me to step outside my comfort zone, and get creative when planning my classes.
I’ve always considered myself a patient person, but no. This splint has been teaching me patience in ways I didn’t know I needed. With any injury it’s so easy to get angry, frustrated, or just feel really sorry for yourself. I know because I’ve gone through every one of these stages at least twice the last 3 weeks. Had a moment yesterday actually…
I firmly believe there’s a reason or lesson to be learned from everything that’s thrown our way. I’m trying to take this as an opportunity to honor what my body needs, give my hands the rest I’ve known they needed for months, and be patient throughout the process.
I’m going to have to re-read this tomorrow…
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Hi! I really know hows that like.. I have the same problem, One doesnt really value our bodys health until we get a problem like this, I overforced my hand too, didnt even think something like that could happen. My biggest frustration is that Im studying system engineering, and computers are always on my way in my life. I play videogames, I program, and I make digital art. whats so.. very frustrating, I already have 4 months with this situation, sometimes got better, sometimes worse, but whats really happening is that its not going to end right now. Ive been really patient, but now I just lost it, lost hope, I have read so much about it. Ive studied the problem, i dont know whether if im lacking of constancy or as soon it stops hurting Im not taking enough care of it.. Ive been evading taking pills, but now thats what ill start to do.. 🙁 still out of hope.. but Trying still, theres no way to just leave it like that.
I hope your problem goes faster than mine. and that you can get back to your activities as soon as possible 😉
Greetings! from Honduras! 🙂