The Pomegranate. Studies show that the pomegranate is one of the most powerful, nutrient dense foods for overall good health. I think that’s why it’s such a bear to open. If you want to eat all that power, you’re going to work for it.
Pomegranates are one of my favorite things to eat. The first time I had one was in college. I remember biting into a pomegranate seed, and it was like a flavor explosion in my mouth. Seriously. When you bite into the seeds (also called arils), they explode in your mouth. It’s a party!
I realized after talking to someone about them the other day, that not everyone knows how to open one. Let’s fix that. Shall we?
Pomegranates are only in season September – February, so there’s still time to crack one open!
Step 1. Grab a pomegranate.
Step 2. Cut the bottom off of it. (Not the crown)
Step 3. Cut around the crown and remove it.
Step 4. Place your pomegranate bottom side down on a cutting board. Make 6 cuts from crown to bottom all the way around your fruit. Be careful to just cut through the skin, and not all the way through to the seeds.
Step 5. This is where it gets fun. Gently pull the pomegranate apart. It should open pretty easily.
Step 6. Remove all the seeds. The easiest way to do this is over a bowl of water. When you scrape the seeds out over a bowl, the seeds fall to the bottom and the white membrane floats to the surface.
After you’ve scraped out all the seeds. Use a slotted spoon to remove all the floaties from the top.
Now you’re left with delicious arils ready to be rinsed.
Pour the seeds through a fine mesh strainer. Rinse throughly and remove any other “floaters” you find.
Eat the arils as a snack, sprinkled on top of yogurt, in cereal, on top of a salad or oatmeal.
Once the pomegranate is opened, the seeds last for 3 days in the refrigerator.
Get crackin’!
This winter I’ve discovered a love for pomegranates! This is a great tutorial. I’ve even put them on top of eggs with sweet potatoes.
Love it, Bonnie!! Thanks for sharing!