October Continued…
Chase went back to New Mexico (this time for a mule deer hunt) and we went back to Chelsea. This time we hit all the touristy spots! Growing up in that area I never think to stop at the landmarks along Route 66. Well, Chief had never visited them so we thought this would be the perfect time to check them off the list.
We visited the Blue Whale in Catoosa and the world’s largest Totem Pole between Chelsea and Foyil (built by an extended family member). Chief visited a pumpkin patch and spent hours at the construction yard, naturally.
The day I was driving back from Chelsea and Chase was driving back from New Mexico, we had a freak ice-storm blow through Norman. We were very fortunate that we never lost power, most Norman residents weren’t so lucky. Our drive home took longer than normal, but Chase’s 8 hour drive home turned into 13. Yikes!
Chief was a trash truck for Halloween! Not the driver, he wanted to be the truck. Whew! What a project. We began to save any thick, nice cardboard we came across in September, and at the beginning of October I started cutting. It seemed like such a daunting task, but as soon as we got the body built – it was smooth sailing.
He is beginning to be embarrassed. If he falls in front of a neighbor, has an accident, or says something wrong, he’ll get so embarrassed. I can’t repeat funny things he did or silly things he said, and he’ll tell me beforehand to not tell anyone. In my head he’s still a baby that doesn’t really understand what I’m talking about. But he gets it. He gets it all.

Things Chief Said:
- “I wish I could marry you.” Have I told you he melts me?
- “That’s a lot of work for one mom. I wish we had so many moms so you didn’t have to work so hard.” You’re welcome, ladies. He’s going to be a real catch.
- “Thanks for teaching me, Mom.” When we were working on his letters one afternoon.
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