I’m WAY behind on these monthly updates. I have kicked around the idea of stopping them all together, but I’m not quite ready. Until further notice – they will be brief.
At 4 years old, Chief has officially had more Zoom calls than anyone else in our house. His class was shut down for two weeks after a teacher tested positive for Covid – song time via Zoom was the highlight of his week.

During the period that his class was closed, Chief attended his first art class at Oil & Clay studio. He claimed it was “The best day ever,” and has requested to go daily – so we went twice.
We spent Thanksgiving in Chelsea – playing with cousins, driving tractors, feeding cows – a perfect weekend for a 4 year old boy.
We used our Halloween pumpkins for some final activities before we gave them the toss. Baking soda/vinegar volcanos are more fun when they’re erupting from a pumpkin, and pumpkins make for great hammering practice.
We took our annual family pics at the most beautiful venue, and Chief was in RARE form. He stayed cheesy the entire session.
We spent lots of evenings huddled around a fire pit – burning marshmallows into oblivion.

Things Chief Said:
- He was crying one evening and we couldn’t figure out what was going on, after he calmed down he cried: “I just want to go to the moon but there’s no spaceship in Norman, Oklahoma!”
- “My stomach is empty and my brain is full. I can’t sleep when my stomach is empty and my brain is full!” – he’s been listening to Charlotte’s Web during quiet time, and I think he picked this up from Wilbur.
- “Trust me.” After he gives us a reason as to why he can’t do something we asked. Like when we ask him to go to the bathroom, he’ll reply with “I don’t need to go. TRUUUUUUSSSST me.”
- “Big dreamers dream big, mom” I have NO IDEA where he heard this piece of inspiration.
- “Those things I walked through at Uncle Heafs football game, I walked through them at the fish store.” We went to Uncle Heath’s football game over a year ago, he’s talking about the turnstile we walked through. I don’t know how he remembers these things.
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