We took a quick trip to New Mexico to see family. Chief played hard with cousins, pretended he was a cowboy at Blain and Lala’s, and ruled the roost at Big & Honey’s.
We made a sandbox. Unintentionally. We have been intending to fill in our in-ground hot tub for a while. After we cleared it out, we filled the hole with sand so we could concrete over the top. Well, the sand is as far as we got. I’m afraid Chief will never let us fill it in completely.
Mom and Dad got dressed up for a wedding.

Chief and I spent a long weekend in Chelsea. Chase spent a few days elk hunting in New Mexico, so we took a little trip ourselves. We played at the construction yard, checked cows, fed the catfish at the lake, played tennis with Grandma Jane, and visited all the Chelsea hotspots.
Chief went on his first field trip – the Bug Walk with his Gingerbread class. He rode his bike in the rain to the land where they hunt for bugs, and while there weren’t many bugs out due to the rain, he felt really big.

He celebrated his last night as a 3 year old at Red Lobster. He and Chase regularly have “dude dates” so I can get things done, and the night before he turned four he wanted to go to “the restaurant with the lobster sign.” He had lobster tail, green beans, and a Shirley Temple to ring in his new year.

He turned FOUR!! We had a construction party for our dirt-lovin’ boy with family and a few of his friends. I’ll do a separate post ALL about the party.
Things Chief said:
- “You made the yuckiest dinner.” Thanks, kid. (He then ate the whole thing.)
- “I’m so glad you’re my Mom. I wouldn’t want any other Mom.”
- When he’s thinking about what to say next, he fills the space with “Ummmaaaa…”
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