Gosh, October was a big month. I’m definitely going to have to make this a two-part series. We made two trips to Chelsea, celebrated Halloween, hunkered down through a freak ice-storm, and tried to keep our favorite fall traditions as normal as possible. It was an incredible month.
Chase went on his second out of state hunt for the season, so Chief and I packed up again and headed to Chelsea. We didn’t know it at the time, but our visit correlated with the annual Chelsea Jamboree. Chief nearly lost his mind when we pulled into town and he saw the big Ferris wheel, he said “I’ve always wanted to go to a real carnival!!”
The first thing he wanted to ride – the Ferris wheel. It was big. It wasn’t a pint-sized ride. It was one of those where he had to have an adult ride with him, and at the time – I was the only adult around. I don’t do rides. I don’t like them – never have, never will. But after a few minutes of trying to talk him into riding something else, I finally caved. I hated it. I held onto him for dear life and tried my best to put on a brave face. When we got off he said “You were very brave, Mom.” That made it all worth it.
A few cousins showed up at the Jamboree after we got off the Ferris wheel so I was relieved of my ride-ridin’ duties. He rode rides for 4 hours, played games, and ate his first cotton candy. He quickly decided “I don’t like cotton candy,” but we tried it!

The fire truck came to school. It was a big day for our little Fire Chief. He is now our resident fire safety expert and will tell us when he believes we’re being unsafe. He came home with homework that day, things like – make a fire escape plan with your family, locate the smoke detectors, show your parents how to stop, drop, and roll. As soon as we got home from school he kept saying in the most exacerbated voice “I’ve got SO MUCH homework” with a little eye-roll. It gave me a glimpse into our future.

He worked on his anatomy. I cut out skeleton bones for him to put together. He quickly used part of the spine to make his skeleton a boy.

We carved pumpkins – twice. The first pumpkin, he decided needed to be Curious George. The second pumpkin, he drew us a template before Chase started carving.
We made our annual trip to OGE Pumpkinville at the Myriad Gardens. While it looked a little different this year, we were still so happy to visit our favorite fall tradition. There were no activities, but the pumpkin displays were mesmerizing.
He wrote his name! We had no idea he could do it, then one evening we caught him writing his name in the steam on the shower door. He now writes it on everything!
To be continued…
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