August was an exciting month for our little man – we took a trip to the lake (first time since Memorial Day!), continued our weekly Sunday Supper Club, and he started school! He has been excited about school for months. He couldn’t hardly wait to be around friends again.
We visited parks – some old, some new. We watched a snake eat a fish at the Old Park (I’ll save you the video), and Chief made new friends at a new park. We visited a new park one morning and there were two girls running around. Chief was begging to go play with them so we put on his mask and he trotted off to find them. The conversation went something like this:
- Chief: Hi! My name’s Chief.
- Girls: (They told him their names) How old are you?
- Chief: I’m 3
- Girls: How can you talk!??!
- Chief: With my tongue. Do you girls want to go play at the spaceship?
- Girls: We’re scared. There’s a wasp over there.
- Chief: It’s ok. I’ll be-tect (protect) you.
What a ladies man.

We saw our Mine as she traveled through Oklahoma. Chief’s very first nanny.
We spent a lot of time in the pool and in the kitchen.
We visited the lake to celebrate Pops’ birthday! Chief has always loved the lake, but this was the first trip where he was jumping from the boat into the lake. I bet he did it 50 times.
Chief started school!!! What an exciting day. He has been looking forward to attending Gingerbread for 6 months. When the day finally came I asked him in the drop-off line if the Dogs were going to school with him. He turned around and said “the Dogs can stay with you today.” I almost broke down right there. He gave us hugs and hopped out when the teacher came to the door. There was no hesitation. It was a very happy/little sad kind of day.
More of my favorite August pictures:
Baby Selfie Sno-cones! This is right, right?!
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