CHIEF TURNED THREE! At 3 years old he’s 40″ tall, his favorite song is “Sunflower” by Post Malone, he loves to help in the kitchen or any project that requires using tools with Dad, he would eat every meal at Chick-Fil-A, and has made up a really catchy jingle about brussels sprouts. He’s wicked smart and has a mind like a steel trap. He’s happiest when he’s dirty and you’ll rarely find him without a skinned knee. He’ll describe himself as “Chief is brave and strong.”

Chief was so happy when September arrived, because for six months now he’s been telling anyone that would listen “Chief be 3 in September!” He requested a shark themed birthday party full of blue balloons. He didn’t understand why we couldn’t have a shark party all month long. His party wasn’t until the end of the month, but we did a lot of fun things in between.
We spent a weekend at Grand Lake for Labor Day. Chief told all his secrets to Char-dog, drove a boat around the lake, and made a cake for Grandma’s birthday.
He went back to school! He only goes to “school” on Friday while Mom teaches yoga. Why does he look like a teenager?!

Chase spent a week in Colorado on his yearly elk hunt. Chase left early on a Sunday, and by Monday morning I looked at Chief and said “We need a change of scenery.” We packed up our bags and drove the 3 hours to Chelsea to spend a few days with my family. Chief snorted at all the pigs at the Rogers County fair, saw the big trucks and backhoes, checked baby calves, and drove the side by side until the gas tank was completely empty. He spent a morning running full speed around The Gathering Place and went on as many Chick-Fil-A dates as I could stomach. It was the perfect getaway to break up the monotony.
The day before Chase got home, Chief got sick. A nasty stomach virus hit our house and our poor little man was throwing up all night long. He was sick with the bug FOR A WEEK. On the worst nights, Chase and I took turns sleeping in his room. We were so happy when it finally left.
He turned 3!! On September 24, Chief woke up as a 3 year old!!! We took him to breakfast at his favorite place, Neighborhood Jam, played at the park as much as he wanted, and ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A. He told us he wanted a “bike with pedals” for his birthday. We planned his birthday party for a few days later, so his actual day was pretty low-key. Shark party is going to get a post all it’s own.
Conversations with Chief:
- He answers his own questions. He’ll come ask one of us “Chief have gummy bunnies? Sure.” Then he’ll walk off to the pantry never giving us an opportunity to say “No.”
- “Chief so brave in the dark.” But as soon as we tell him he is brave, he exclaims “Don’t talk about it!”
- He’s really into letters – He wants to know what words start with which letters. He’s always asking “What starts with truck?” “What starts with cement mixer?” “What starts with ‘let’s go to the orange store?'”
- If he says or does something that makes us laugh he says “What Chief sayed?!” or “What Chief dood?!”
- When we’re walking down the aisle at the grocery store, or in a crowded place, he’ll exclaim to anyone in sight “EXCUSE US!”
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