We’ve got a very inquisitive boy on our hands these days. He’s constantly asking questions, constantly putting new concepts together, and his little memory is like a steel trap. He gives us a run for our money every day.

We kicked off the month by Chief referring to me as “Cassie Bridgforth.” He calls me Cassie Bridgforth more often than Mom.

He started ISR swimming lessons again! Chief took swimming lessons last year, so we’re doing a quick refresher course before we open our pool. We go see Ms. Debbie everyday for 10 minutes. He was really mad about it the first few days, but now that he knows he gets a stamp at the end, he’s ok with it.

He learned he can climb in and out of his bed this month. Thankfully he hasn’t done it when he’s supposed to be sleeping, but when we’re playing in his room he’ll climb in and out like there’s nothing to it. Things are about to get crazy over here.

The dude is obsessed with Cheetos. He has since had one, but the obsession started WELL BEFORE he experienced the Cheeto dust. We were standing in line at a restaurant to check out and he saw the bag on display. He asked for them then, but we explained we had already paid and we couldn’t get them today. He talked about Cheetos and the “tiger” that graced it’s packaging for rest of the day. Fast forward two weeks, and we thought he had completely forgotten about them. Chief was playing in the bath one night and I’m sitting on the rug chatting with him. He looked at me and said “Mom, what do Tiger’s eat?” I said “They eat meat. Other animals…” He cut me off with “…AND CHEETOS!”

He put blueberries in the dryer. I was getting ready to go workout one morning, and I went to grab my shirt from the dryer as I was walking out the door. When I pulled it out it had blue/purple streaks all over it. I pulled more clothes out and they all looked like they had been Jackson Pollocked with blueberry juice. Someone had been stashing blueberries in his pockets and I never noticed when I loaded the washing machine. I spent the hour I was supposed to be sweating, scrubbing an entire load of white clothes.

His memory is a steel trap. There are things we can’t believe he remembers – things that happened months ago or the smallest details we didn’t realize he noticed. I have this terrible habit of when he asks for things I’ll say “maybe for your birthday.” Well, it turns out Chief has been keeping a running list. He asked for something the other day and again I said “maybe for your birthday.” He replied with “and a jump rope, and pedals (for his bike), and a trumpet, and a blue balloon with a “B”.” Needless to say, we don’t say “maybe for your birthday” anymore.

He has a goodbye/goodnight routine. If we’re dropping him off at school, leaving home for the day or a quick errand, or putting him to bed at night Chief has the same routine. “Hug! Kiss! Knucks! High Five!” Sometimes he’s satisfied after we do it once, sometimes we have to do the routine with him and then both Dogs too.

We had so many celebrations this month! We celebrated Mother’s Day, my 33rd birthday, and a family reunion at the lake. The family reunion was the highlight of our celebrations. We saw family we hadn’t seen in 20+ years and my grandma got to hang with her sister and her late brothers’ wives for an entire afternoon. They’re like real life Golden Girls.
School ended for the year! Chief grew so much over the last year. Physically and mentally he’s evolving into a little boy. He will start a summer program at his school in a couple of weeks.
You want to really be blown away? Look at this little nugget at the BEGINNING of the school year…

He discovered a favorite song. He heard “Knockin’ Boots” by Luke Bryan ONE TIME and now he requests it everytime we get in the car. He’ll yell “Knockin’ Boots! Knockin’ Boots!” when the chorus starts, but now he’s start to listen the lyrics… He’s so confused by them. He’ll say “Birds no need bees, Mom. Bees need honey!”

More conversations with Chief:
- He’s constantly asking “That caaalllled?” when wanting to know the name of something. That little mind never stops.
- When we ask him to do something, he’ll respond with a very enthusiastic, “OK!”
- He’s a straight shooter. There have been times he’s given a us a kick in the shin, thrown something in the pool, or dumped a bottle of bubbles into my rosemary plant, and we’ll ask “why did you do that?!” He’ll reply with “on purpose.” It stops us in our tracks everytime.
- He’s acting like a teenager already. We’ll ask “What did you do at school today?!” He’ll reply with “Nothing” with a shoulder shrug and his little hands lifted in the air. Same when he gets really worked up about something, he’ll lift those little hands in the air, shake his head, and wave those extended hands when the parents just aren’t understanding.
Gah, he’s funny. He’s learning so much right now – names of things, cause and effect, putting concepts together. It’s so amazing to watch this little boy grow.
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