We’ve officially moved! We’re in a full-time living, somewhat settled, still have a garage full of boxes kind of situation. About half the time we’re driving home from somewhere we drive to the wrong house, but that’s ok- we’re getting there.

Chief started calling us by our first names this month. Cute, huh? (insert eye roll). Most of the time he calls us Mama and Chase which brings on a lot of strange looks and some serious side eye.

Ask him where he wants to eat and he’ll reply with Chick-Fil-A or Bad Daddy’s (a burger restaurant). If we start driving and he knows we’re not going to either location, we’ll get an earful from the backseat. We’ve learned to not ask him where we wants to go for dinner.

Conversations with Chief:

- We were playing an alphabet game when we came to an M, Chief called it a W. I tried to explain why it was an M and not a W to which he replied “This is tricky.”
- I made stir-fry for dinner and between shoveling spoonfuls into his mouth he looks up and says “This is delicious, Mom.”
- He’s beginning to express emotions, some of them are fun like “Chief is so excited!” or “Chief having so much fun!” Some of them stop me in my tracks like “Mom make Chief so mad.” (When I wouldn’t give him gummy bears before dinner). Or when we visited the orangutan at the zoo he said “Chief scared of monk.” “This monk so scary, Mom.”
- He’s expressing preference “This (lolli) pop is Chief’s favorite.”
- He’s beginning to wrap his head around time. Well, kind of. Ask him what time it is and 9 times out of 10 he’ll say “6 o’clock,” but he has more than once used “yesterday,” “two days ago,” and “last week,” correctly. It blows my mind.

Mom and Dad got to go on TWO dates this month!! We tried a new (to us) restaurant in OKC, Osteria OKC, and sat courtside at a Thunder game. So fun!
Chief had us nervous when one of his lymph nodes swelled up to the size of a quarter. We took him to the pediatrician who immediately sent him to the hospital for blood work. They were concerned he had mono. Thankfully, all of his blood tests came back negative, but his levels did show he was recovering from some sort of viral infection. Around this same time he had another finger episode; his little body seemed to be fighting off all kinds of things. All is good now.

Chief attended a birthday party at the CrossFit gym Chase and I go to. He was so excited to go “work out” with Mom and Dad. He kept saying “Chief do pull-ups, Mom” as he swung from every pair of rings in the facility. He had SO MUCH FUN. Now, he calls our gym the “birthday party.” Every morning when one of us walks in from working out he’ll say “Mom/Dad go birthday party?!”
We are loving our new house. We love the space, we love the feel, after months of back and forth, living out of boxes, not knowing where anything is – we’ve finally made it home.
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