Oh, this month was a fun one. July is going to be crazy, so we hung out at home all. month. long. It was glorious.

The month started with me doing an Olympic Triathlon with some of my gym friends. We did it relay style, so thankfully I only had to do the 6 mile run. Chief was thrilled to add another medal to his collection.
Chief has been able to climb out of his bed for a month or so, but this month he started to climb out when he was supposed to be sleeping.
- One afternoon Chase was grouting our master bathroom shower, I had run to the grocery store, and Chief was napping. Chase checked the monitor – Chief was out cold, so he went back to his grouting project. Not even two minutes later Chase heard “Hi dada” from behind him. Chase said he nearly jumped out of his skin!
- Chase works-out most mornings at 5:00am, then I go to the gym when he gets home at 6:15am. It was just after 6:00am, I was in the bathroom getting ready and I hear the door beep like Chase had just got home. Next thing I know Chase is in the bathroom WITH CHIEF. Apparently Chief got out of bed, saw Chase pull into the driveway, then proceeded to OPEN THE FRONT DOOR FOR HIM. Needless to say, Chase now locks the deadbolt behind him when he leaves.
He could be a campus tour guide. It’s his most favorite place!
We celebrated our 10 year anniversary, Father’s Day, and Chase’s birthday!
Chief went to Toy Story 4 with Big and Honey – his first movie! Apparently, he was perfect. He stayed engaged the whole time, shared popcorn and a pretzel, played in the arcade, and took his picture in the photo booth. What a day!

It never stopped raining. Literally rained for daysssss.

Chief discovered his private parts. This was an interesting day. Chief was in the shower one evening and I hear him yell “MOM!!!! What’s on Chief’s body?!?!?” The dude was seriously concerned. After a moment of processing how I was going to handle this situation I calmly said “that’s your penis.” The rest of the evening he wouldn’t quit talking about it. Fast forward to the next day. Our babysitter comes over and the first thing he says to her when she walks in “Hannah! Chief has a penis!” Which was accompanied by him ripping off his diaper at lightning speed. I quickly wrestled him to the ground to put his diaper back on while he started asking questions – “Hannah, do you have a penis?!” Hannah: “No, only boys have those.” Chief: “Chief and Dada have penis.” “Dada has BIG penis.” “Chief has little penis.”
He finished swimming lessons! Whew! What was supposed to be a quick refresher, turned into a solid 6 weeks of going to swimming lessons EVERY. DAY. But the dude is a fish. However, if you tell him he swims like a fish he’ll reply with “No. Chief swim like a shark. A BIG SHARK!”
Conversations with Chief:
- If Chief asks for something and I tell him something like “We’ll do it later” He’ll reply with “How about now.” If I tell him no, he’ll say “How about yes.” Is he supposed to be arguing with me at TWO?!
- I asked Chief “What do you want to do today?” and he replied with “Go to the beach!“
- When Chief is doing something that could result in a scraped knee, bumped head, or chipped tooth Chase will say to him “Careful, Chief.” One afternoon Chief was climbing in and out of his bed as smoothly as one could and I said “Good job, Chief!” He responded with “Dada would say ‘Careful, Chief.'” And he said it all sing-song like, with his voice raised, and a head bob like he was totally mocking him.
- This month brought more time-outs, he’s testing ALL THE BOUNDARIES right now. We have a chair in our guest bedroom that he sits in and every time we walk by that room he’ll say “chair is for listening.”
- If he comes across a bug in the backyard, a dog walking down the sidewalk, or even the fiberglass dinosaur outside of the Sinclair station he’ll say “That (dog/bug/dinosaur) say Hiya, Chief!” And he’ll deepen his voice like that greeting did not come from him.
- I mentioned last month he has a farewell routine – hug, kiss, knucks, high-five, in that order. Now when he gives us knucks (fist bump) when we’re putting him in bed he’ll say “It’s hard to give knucks in the dark.”
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