As it is now September, I figured I better write down what happened in July!
Chief is really starting to put concepts together. He’s observant, he’s so so smart, and the dude does not forget a thing.
He’s figuring out relationships. He stopped us dead in our tracks when one day he said “Dad, your parents coming to visit?” We looked at him bewildered and said “Who are Dad’s parents?” He looked at us like we were dumb and with a smirk he said “Big and Honey!” We had never discussed the relationship, so it took us by surprise when he understood the family tree.

We celebrated the 4th of July with a low-key weekend at home. We invited friends over for a cookout and pool party and Chief got to hang with his best bud, Grayson.

He graduated from ISR swimming lessons! I’m so proud of our little fish. He swims with his face in the water, rolls to his back when he needs air, and “dives” underwater to grab his favorite toys. Knowing that he knows how to get to the side to the pool if he tumbles in gives me such peace of mind.
He’s so observant. We were driving to swimming lessons one day and he said “Mom, what’s that red thing?” I had no idea what he was referring to, but the only thing I could see in my rearview mirror that was close to red was an orange windsock on top of a building. I said “The windsock? The thing that looks like a flag on top of that building?” He asked what it was for and I explained the purpose of a windsock. Without missing a beat he said “Pops has one of those.” I couldn’t believe he knew that. We’ve never talked about it when we’ve been at my Dad’s house, he just remembered.

We had some serious nap time struggles. Our great sleeper began throwing serious fits around nap time and bed time. One day I watched him play in his room for OVER 2 HOURS without going to sleep. He climbed on his furniture, dug through the bathroom attached to his room, and threw a bouncy ball against the wall until it finally hit him square in the forehead.
Chief had a recital at school. He kicked off the recital by “leading” the Pledge of Allegiance. He didn’t say a word, but he held his flag like a champ. I was crying I was laughing so hard by the end of the performance.
He’s really into pretending. He plays restaurant multiple times a day, but no matter what you order he’ll say “Chief all out.” He’s always pretending Chase and I switch roles – he’ll call me Dada and tell me my face is scratchy, then he’ll call Chase Mama and ask where is the white car. He’s a funny guy!
I had a crazy few weeks of traveling. I spent a long weekend with my girlfriends eating our way through Charleston, SC, then turned around and made an 18 hour trip to New York City to surprise a friend at her engagement party!
Things Chief said:
- “Mom, you’re a crazy driver.”
- I picked him up from school one afternoon and I said “I’m a hungry girl!” He replied with “You’re not a girl, Mom. Hannah (the babysitter) is a girl. You’re a Mom.”
- “Dad! Your face is so scratchy!”
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