What. A. Month. I felt like I did a really poor job of writing down the things Chief said or did, but I did an acceptable job of keeping the ship afloat.
In January we bought a house (!!!), started remodeling said house, and put our current house on the market. We had a contract on our current house within 48 hours and I couldn’t be more thankful! Do you know how hard it is to keep a house “show ready” with a toddler running around?! Near impossible. I’m so thankful it was a whirlwind weekend of showings and then we were done. More on houses in a minute…
Chief played in snow! He’s seen snow before, but not like this. This was the perfect play snow, only made more perfect by the fact the day after the snowfall it was nearly 60 degrees outside! He “ran real fast” in the snow, made snow balls, caught snow flakes on his tongue “like Char Brown,” and loved to listen to it “crunch, crunch, crunch” under his boots.
He said “I love you!”Chief has never been one to repeat things you ask him to repeat. I’ve heard kids much younger say “I love you” but our Chief just wouldn’t do it. That is until it was completely un-prompted, un-expected, and hit me like a ton of bricks. My whole body turned to mush.

He went to the zoo! January had several nice days and we turned one of them into a day at the Zoo. Chief requested to see a bear, snake, George (monkey), and an elephant. If you ask him what he saw he’ll tell you a “BIG MONK!” when referring to the GIANT orangutan that ate a head of lettuce right next to him. The next thing he’ll say is a “BIG SNAKE” like the big snake he saw at the Old Park with Mine.
I wish I would’ve done a better job of writing down phrases he said this month, but here are some funny ones:
- If he gets in trouble his response is always “Chief nice! Chief real nice!” Same response happens when he gets hurt. Through tears he’ll exclaim “Chief nice! Chief real nice!” Like, “why did this happen to me?!?”
- Don’t talk bad about Daniel Tiger. Chief will defend him until you finally cave. For example – Chase said “Daniel Tiger is such a whiner.” To which Chief quickly responded with “Daniel Tiger nice! Daniel Tiger real nice!”
- Ask him how he feels when he’s playing in the bathtub or cuddled under a blanket, he’ll respond with “Nice and wom (warm).”
- He asks for his picture to be taken. If he’s really proud of a block tower or a picture he’s colored, he’ll say “Take pic pease, Mom.”
- He’ll tell you when something doesn’t feel right. A shoe is too tight, the chest clip is too high on his car-seat – he’ll yell “Too tight, Mom!”
- He’ll ask for medicine when he has a cough – “Chief need bear juice.”The medicine bottle has a little boy hugging a teddy bear on the label, therefore Chief named it bear juice.
Mom and Dad sat courtside at a Thunder game. What a treat! I gave them all high fives, made eye contact with Russell Westbrook to which we gave each other a nervous half smile, and stood shoulder to waist with Steven Adams in the tunnel. I felt a little bit like a celebrity.
I started baking sourdough.Because, shouldn’t you start a new baking project when you’re in between houses?! Makes perfect sense, Cassie. I took a sourdough class with Cat Cox, the baker from Living Kitchen Farm and Dairy. She gave us part of her starter and taught us the science behind a sourdough loaf. I’ve got a new pet that has to be fed daily, and a new hobby that I don’t have time for.

Houses. Chase and I have been looking for a house for the past 9 months. We’ve been casually looking – making appointments when one sparked our interest, but not looking REALLY hard. The house we’re currently in is the house Chase and I purchased when we first got married. We’ve put a lot of love and sweat into this home and it’s been great to us for 9 years, but we needed something a little different now that we’re a family of 3.

The house we bought came up on a Zillow search. It was the layout we were wanting, the location we were wanting, and we just loved the bones of it. It needed a little updating, but we were excited to tackle the project. Before we move in we are remodeling the kitchen, and updating the main living areas with new paint, new crown, and new light fixtures. We figured we could tackle bathrooms once we move in. I am so excited about our new house it’s silly.

I’ll post updates soon.
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