This month Chief FINALLY got the thing he’s been asking for since Thanksgiving – SNOW.

It was as magical as we hoped. Generally snow in Oklahoma is accompanied with ice, wind, and general misery, but not today. The morning was still; the biggest, softest flakes were falling from the sky and the temperature was mild enough that we were able to play for more than an hour without risk of losing our toes. It was Chief’s most perfect snowy day.
We continue to treat every project as a construction project. Complete with hard hats and cones – so everyone knows it’s a construction site, obviously.

Chief got a big boy bed! His crib was one that converted to a toddler bed, so until this month he’s been sleeping in a toddler bed. Well this month he graduated to a full-size, four pillows, sheets and a comforter type of set-up. The first night he slept in it I asked if he liked his new bed, he replied “I do. But I need two side tables, lamps, and things to put on the side tables.” Okay then…

We celebrated Valentine’s Day at home with an elevated home-cooked meal. Chief and I planned the menu a week in advance and put together a meal of steaks, thyme-cabernet mushrooms, maple glazed smashed sweet potatoes, roasted broccolini with lemon & parmesan, sourdough, and the most decadent flour-less chocolate torte. Chief chopped mushrooms and made the chocolate hearts with sprinkles. The best sous chef in the business.
We made more trips to the zoo. Mainly to picnic but we saw some animals too.
Outside continues to be his most favorite place. Bike rides, hikes through the woods, or just trying to escape from the backyard – it’s his favorite.
We’re still doing daily activities. Chief and I have really gotten in a groove with our activities. They no longer feel like a chore I have to set up everyday, they almost come about organically. He loves having them to look forward to everyday.
Things Chief said:
- When he’s doing something he’s not supposed to, I’ll sometimes ask “Chief! What are you doing?!?” He’ll respond with “Just doin’ my thing, Cass.” I literally have no idea how to parent that.
- My mom sent Chief a box of candy, stickers, etc. for Valentine’s Day. She called the next day and asked if he got anything in the mail. He said “Yep! I got stickers.” She asked if he got any candy in his box. He replied “Oh you mean the Red-40, Mimi?” Apparently, he’s been listening to my nutrition rants.

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