February was a blur. We got our current house under contract, we’re in the thick of new house remodeling, I was sick for a month, Chase got a new truck, Chief got in trouble in school, and I smashed my thumb so hard I’m surely going to lose the nail. I feel completely out of control and I don’t like it. It was a doozy of a month.

Baker Street house– As soon as we got our current house under contract, we had a list of things from the buyer he wanted us to address before closing. The list of projects we needed to do at the new house got put on the back burner so we could focus on a house that wasn’t going to be our’s in a month. It’s no fun to do improvements to a house you’re not going to be able to enjoy.

Chief said some funny things.
- I took him to Atwoods one day to look at the bunnies, chickens, and ducks. He squealed as he watched them hop around then looked at me and said “Ducks so cute!”
- His new go-to phrase when I won’t give him what he wants is “Chief realllllyyyy need it!” Whether it’s a raisin, cookie, a pen you’re using – I mean, how do you argue with “need?”
- If he’s feeling cuddly he’ll yell “Hold you, Mom!“
- He loved the dust the new home renovations created. When we would go check out the progress the first thing he would do was grab a broom and get to work! He would say “Chief sweep smoke” as he would create a cloud of dust everywhere he went.
- He started calling us “Mommy” and “Daddy,” but he also started calling himself “Chiefy.” We’re working to put an end to that.

New home renovations are well underway! Cabinetry, flooring, we are just getting to the fun stuff.
Chief got in trouble at school. I’m not sure what happened, but either way a poor, unsuspecting kid’s lunch ended up on the floor by way of Chief’s hands.

I was sick with cold symptoms for over a month, and I smashed the heck out of my thumb. It was bad. Real bad. I did it during a workout and got my thumb caught between two dumbbells. It was over a week before the throbbing subsided and I could move it again.

Chase got a new blue truck. It looks just like the old, blue truck – just a few years newer and a lot less miles. He also did a CrossFit competition with the other Dad’s at our gym. He achieved new skills and pushed himself farther than he normally would have. He was loving his weekly competition.
We are so looking forward to a more stable March. We are looking forward to unpacking our boxes, and making memories in our new house and new neighborhood.

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