We spent nearly the entire month of April at home. No trips to the grocery store, no park play dates, no spending Easter with family. Beyond walks and bike rides around the neighborhood, we really didn’t leave our bubble. It wasn’t all bad though. Chief did a lot of new things.
He continued to dress himself everyday. His uniform of choice is now jeans and a long-sleeved striped shirt. Doesn’t matter the temperature, he’s in jeans and long-sleeves. He claims that jeans are “working pants” and striped shirts are “cool.” He loves a good stripe like his mama.

We went strawberry picking. This is the one activity we did outside the house. The farm gave each family a one hour time slot, so we were the only people there picking! Chief thought it was so fun.
He flew a kite! One of his Christmas requests this last year was an “octopus kite.” He’s had the kite for a few months, but this is the first time he flew it all by himself. What a day!

He roasted his first marshmallow. He thinks it’s great but hasn’t figured out how far back from the flame you need to hold the marshmallow. He says “I always get ’em too roasty.” Good thing Mom likes them burnt.

We spent Easter at home. We decorated egg-shaped sugar cookies instead of dying eggs this year. With the state of things we decided to not waste our eggs. Chief didn’t mind swapping eggs for cookies. To decorate the cookies I made a quick powdered sugar glaze and dyed it with beets, blueberries, and tumeric! It didn’t alter the flavor and the colors came out so bright and beautiful. I couldn’t get over it.
Easter was a dreary day in Norman. There was about a 45 minute break between storms so Chase ran outside, hid some eggs, then Chief spent the rest of the time hunting and opening eggs before the storm rolled in.
I made the boys put on a nice shirt for an Easter 2020 family picture. We propped my camera up on top of the grill and managed to squeeze in a few good pictures to mark the occasion.

We celebrated two birthdays for friends during quarantine. While I’m sad we weren’t able to celebrate their birthdays in person, I loved how we’ve been forced to celebrate in other ways. We participated in a birthday parade for our gym friend, Zeth. Then we filmed a funny birthday video for our favorite 6 year old, Bennett.
I completed a hero workout at home. Once a month, my gym community meets to complete a hero workout. The workouts are physically and mentally exhausting, but when you’re doing them with friends it’s easier to keep going. This month was different. Doing a mentally taxing workout by yourself is really hard. The workout was 1,000 box step-ups to a 20″ box, with a 35# pack. I stepped for 1 hour and 22 minutes. It was grueling.
My Grandma Edy passed away on April 5. Because of the pandemic, she didn’t get the send-off she deserved. The ritual of grieving someone is gone – there are no traditional funerals which feels so strange. Usually when someone passes you hug those that need comfort and stay in close proximity to those you love – not during a pandemic.
Grandma had a small graveside service with family and there were others spread out throughout the cemetery, but not close. I gave my grandpa a hug (and I’m so thankful I did!), but beyond my grandpa I really didn’t get too close to anyone. It hurt.

I made a quick trip to NE Oklahoma for the service, drove back home immediately after, and made Grandma’s famous chicken and noodles. That’s how the boys and I honored her – gathered around the table with a bowl of Grandma’s noodles.

We did a lot of activities. We’re still keeping busy doing our daily projects. I love them as much as Chief.
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