You guys. I don’t think 2 could be any cooler. Chief really is the best. He’s funny, he’s SO SMART – doesn’t forget a thing, he’s mastering the art of negotiation, and is testing all boundaries.
April started with a bang! We kicked off the month with a trip to Chelsea to see family. It was quick, 24 hours, but we got to squeeze nearly everyone.

Our Marnie girl came to see us for a weekend. The weather was less than stellar, but it made for lots of good food, conversation, and couch time. We made homemade pasta and used my new drying rack for the first time. We love that girl so very much. A weekend with her was just what we needed.
Chief had the world’s best Easter weekend at Grand Lake. He rode a camel, fed goats, jumped in a bounce house, hunted for eggs (errr…pinecones), and gave the Easter bunny the cold shoulder. He went on his first boat ride of the season, played in an airplane, and ate way too much chocolate. Epitome of perfection.
We are loving these spring temperatures. We’re enjoying our days outside planting flowers and spending hours at the park. Now if these allergies would go away we’d have it made.
Tiger won the Masters. Chief couldn’t get enough.

Little Man applied for his first passport. Taking a toddler to get a passport photo is the most exhausting thing I’ve done in a long time. More exhausting than any workout or half marathon. It ranks second to childbirth.

- Chief doesn’t say “yes,” never has. If he’s in agreement, he says “Sure!” Like “Sure, that sounds like a great idea.”
- If the numerical answer to any question is larger than two, he’ll respond with “Sooooo many!”
- The boy loves Kombucha. He’ll wake up saying “Chief needs boocha!”
- He calls me Cass. I think that perfectly sums our month together.

Guys. We can’t get enough of our new neighborhood. We are smack-dab in the middle of town, but you wouldn’t know it by the wooded acreage that surrounds us. We spend our evenings watching deer, turkeys, and a curious fox linger just beyond our fence. It’s magical.

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