Month 6 was pure magic. I don’t think there’s another way to describe it. I am seriously so in love with our boy that it’s silly. He’s constantly looking at me like “Mom, why you so obsessed with me?!”

No more pictures, Mom.
People would ask me right after Chief was born if I could ever remember what I did before him. I would give them the expected “Nope, loving every minute of mom(ing)” response when I was really thinking “Yes, I remember EXACTLY what I used to do – sleep, workout when I wanted, walk aimlessly through Target, try new restaurants, etc.” But now, all those things seem silly. I would much rather eat dinner at 5:00pm and wake up in the middle of the night with my sweet boy than just about anything.
Baby Update
Chief is BUSY. We’re not crawling yet, but he can roll just about anywhere he wants to go in 2 seconds flat. Boy is fast. Much to Mom’s chagrin, he’s growing like crazy.
6 month stats:
- Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz
- Height: 28 ¾” long
- Teeth: 2
- Dimples: 2 on his face, 17 on his legs
- Clothing size: 9-12 month
During his 6 month of life…
We took another trip to Chelsea and went to TWO baby showers in the same day. He got passed around and loved on by all of our hometown favorites.

Showering Baby Girl Bullock!

Showering Baby Ty!

Driving Mom around the farm.
We let go of the marshmallow suit! Baby boy doesn’t dress like the Michelin man to go to sleep anymore! Big step. We did have to break out the bumpers because he would stick an arm or leg through the crib and then try to roll. I knew it was only a matter of time before he broke his leg.
Grabs everything! We are constantly playing a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos around here. Nothing is safe. Even if we think something is out of reach, it’s not. He’ll get it.
Monkey see, Monkey do. He now tries to imitate sounds Mom and Dad make. He’s really great at blowing through his lips, one of his favorite things to do! He thinks it’s really funny to do it when Mom is putting a spoonful of green beans in his mouth.
Visited the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. Little Chief on the Prairie.
We turned him forward facing in the stroller. Mom didn’t like it. You can tell Chief had a hard time adjusting too.

Mr. Chill

Sweet (potato) Face!

Ladies’ man
He’s sitting up! For 30 seconds or so. That tiny core is getting stronger everyday.

Sitting up…and reading (obviously).

Two Teef
This mom thing is getting easier and easier every month. I’m becoming an expert at folding laundry with one hand, cooking dinner and entertaining a baby simultaneously, and packing the ridiculous amount of stuff we need for a day trip away from home – I’ve got it down.
This month I started teaching yoga again. I teach Sunday’s at 6pm at JAIA Yoga Studio. I love teaching but I hate that I miss the bedtime routine. Every Sunday I’m sad to leave him, but I feel so great when I come home. We’re working through it.
He also bloodied my nose this month. He can jab that little pointer finger ridiculously far up a nostril.
My biggest headache came with starting solids. I am so overwhelmed by it all!! I feel like we JUST got into a nursing rhythm – he’s done in 10 minutes TOPS. Now, we’re back to impressively long meal times. “It’s best to start with these foods, introduce new foods every 3-4 days, give him a sippy cup of water during and between meals, BUT milk should still make up the bulk of his nutrition.” (insert eye roll) We start each meal nursing (only 1 side), then he eats the solids. Some days he eats enough food that he doesn’t want any more milk, other days he barely eats and only wants to nurse. So even if he eats a really great meal, I still have to pump because I don’t know what he’s going to do at the next meal time. It’s a mess. Figuratively and literally. We run the dishwasher daily and the washing machine nearly as often. I keep telling Chase I’m just going to nurse him forever. I’m over it.
Being Chief’s mom is the best. I tell him all the time I love him more than any mom has ever loved another baby. And don’t tell me I’m wrong, I won’t believe it. 😉
As sad as it makes me that he has changed so much in such a short amount of time, it is so exciting to watch this boy grow. I caught myself cheering for him when he figured out his sippy cup, or cut a tooth, or when he got his knees underneath him to “crawl”. It scares him every time Mom freaks out (whoops!), but we both have a good laugh about it when he calms down.
This month I’m basking in the last few moments of having a non-crawler. We are so close to having to baby-proof the house I can taste it…or maybe it’s the oatmeal smeared across my face.
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