Wow, month 3 was a fun one! Our Chief was full of changes! Mostly diapers, but he did some new things too. 😉
Baby Update:
Chief is growing so fast it’s ridiculous. I can hardly keep him in clothes that fit! I swear he goes to bed one size and wakes up a size bigger. He is babbling like a mad man, drooling like a St. Bernard, and sitting up for a few seconds. His thigh rolls have reached impressive status and his little scowl melts me.
Month 3 finally gave us some sort of routine. When he reached 11 weeks it was like he woke up and decided today was the day he would go down for naps without hours of walking or rocking, sleep and eat at predictable intervals, and sleep 7-8 consecutive hours at night. I don’t know how it happened but it was miraculous! I have to remind myself that just two months ago we were walking the halls for hours to soothe him or that he would cry hysterically at 7pm. I now understand how parents get amnesia about the newborn stage. I can hardly remember it.
We started the month with mom going back to work. It was a sad day, but Chief gets to stay at home with a girl who loves him and my work schedule is ridiculously flexible. I really have an awesome situation – I work a few days in the office and stay at home the others. And sometimes he gets to come with me…

Baby’s gotta earn his keep!

I feel like I should say I don’t always dress like this to work. I had to finish a few things up before we left for Christmas.
He spent hours staring at the Christmas tree.
He gained a lot of control over his head and neck and began to sit up! (for a few seconds)
He slept in his own bed.
He began talking and laughing A LOT.

His talking face.
He was re-tweeted by Nike.
He went on his first trip to New Mexico and first LOOOOOOONG road trip.
We spent Christmas with the Carnivore’s family in southeastern New Mexico. Our usual 7.5 hour drive took us 9.5 hours – not too bad for our first long trip with a baby. The first hour and a half felt like a breeze, little man fell fast asleep as soon as we got on the interstate. Unfortunately that was about the extent of his napping for the remainder of the trip. After that, he had two 30 minute naps and 6 dirty diapers between Wichita Falls, TX and Lovington, NM. After a lot of stops, crying on his part, laughing (and maybe a little crying) on ours, we made it! That night he slept 12 hours, 9 of those hours consecutive. We were all exhausted.

His only nap of the trip.
He celebrated his first Christmas!
Mama Update:
I hate to say it, but I’m going to – I am so thankful this was the end of the newborn stage. As much as I adored staring at my tiny little bundle, I can honestly say I didn’t love the newborn stage. I remember a good friend telling me it gets so much better after 12 weeks, and I was thinking 12 weeks?!? That felt like an eternity from our late night crying fits at 6 weeks. I questioned if I was meant to be a mom those first couple of months, but now that the 12 week mark has come and gone I can without a doubt say I am so proud to be this boy’s mom. I know he was meant to be mine all along.
As far as my postpartum body, I finally feel like myself again – other than my broken core and lack of bladder control. 😉 I’m working out more regularly and I plan to do a post completely about my postpartum fitness trials soon!
We are still breastfeeding exclusively and I haven’t had mastitis since November. It makes me nervous to type that…
Month 3 brought on a predictable schedule and a lot more sleep! Going back to work, this sleep thing couldn’t have come at a better time. When we were in our second month together I would scour blogs, books and whatever I could get my hands on to figure out how to get a baby on a schedule. I would read posts about 7 week olds sleeping all night, napping regularly, and being so happy you could take them to restaurants, etc. I couldn’t believe this was a possibility. But now, we have one of those babies. I know reading about schedules really helped me, so I’m planning to do post about our current schedule and how we got here.
I’m still amazed this boy is mine – that he was entrusted to me to show unfailing love, gentleness, and protection. What an honor.
I knew you’d be a good momma! Having your own makes ALL the difference in the world.