Our Chief had an exciting 19th month! He traveled 3 hours north from Norman and 3 hours south. He was loved on by both sides of the family and played with so many dogs it made his head spin. His personality is officially as big as his feet, and those feet? Yeah, they’re getting faster by the minute.
Baby Update
He celebrated his second Easter. Chief was an egg huntin’ natural. Easter was a cold, dreary day, so the egg hunt had to come indoors. My grandma was trying desperately to spread eggs throughout the house, but every time she laid one down, Chief would pick it right back up. He carried his basket around and would squeal with joy everytime he picked up a new one.

Chief thinks they’re best friends. Charlie does not.
He says even more words. Cookie, bunny, cat, Mimi, hat, light, milk, sock, berry, eye, ear, nose, bar (protein bar), bubble, rock, walk, bird, bucket and Big when referring to his Big Chief (Chase’s dad).
He picks out his own books. He says “Beep, Beep” when he wants to read the Little Blue Truck, “Whoo, Whoo” when he wants The Very Busy Spider, and “Tweet, Tweet” for well… Tweet Tweet. There wasn’t much decoding on that last one.
He gives kisses. Gosh, this melts me. Ask for a kiss and he’ll pucker up and make the longest, loudest, “MUAH!” you’ve ever heard. It’s the best.
He points out every facial feature. He’ll sit on my lap, jab his tiny index finger right in my eye, and exclaim “Eyyyyyeeee?” Then he moves on to my nose, fish-hooks me in the mouth, and tugs on my ear lobe until we’ve covered them all. Then we do it all again…
He gets all kinds of frustrated. He throws things on the floor, he yells, he screams, and he’ll throw himself on the floor. When he doesn’t want to be moved or picked up he’ll raise his arms straight up in the air and make his body go completely limp until it’s near impossible to move him from his spot.
Chief had a BIG weekend in the Big D. He made the trip to Dallas to celebrate his cousin Evan’s wedding. He rode on the luggage carts in the hotel, chased his Big down every hallway, read books with Honey, and that was before he even made it to the wedding! He wore a collared shirt, exclaimed “Dog!” in the ceremony, stayed up late, ate wedding cake, and charmed the socks off the wedding photographer. I’d say it was a successful weekend.
Mama Update
Half marathon training is at it’s all-time peak. I did a 9 mile run in Chelsea – running back roads, Main Street, and zig-zagging my way through town until I covered all 9. It was cold, I ran into a 20 mph wind, and my goodness it was hard to run by myself, but the views were worth it.
My long runs peaked at 11 miles, and I’ve been tapering ever since. The weekend I had 11 miles on my training schedule my training partner talked me into a running a 10K, well since a 10K is only 6 miles, we ran it twice. The first 6 miles were fun, the last 5 were ridiculously hard.
I am feeling nervous, anxious, a little excited, and completely ready for half marathon training to be over. But this guy keeps me going…
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