We’ve got a miniature sized man living at our house. Mr. Independent can climb onto all surfaces, he blows on his food to cool it down, he puts himself down for a nap, he walks for what seems like hours, and he can impose his will on ALL the baby-proofing. The forbidden cabinet in the kitchen (the cleaning supplies) is not so forbidden anymore, he’s figured out how to untwist the gear tie we’ve had wrapped around the handles. Outlet covers? Yeah, those aren’t doing us any good. He’ll pull out the wall outlet covers to plug in lamps, blow dryers, or the vacuum, and then when he’s done he puts the outlet covers back in like “What? I didn’t take that out.” When he’s awake, I can’t blink.
Baby Update
Chief had his 18 month appointment and the dude is still big. He is coming in at 28.5 lbs, and 34 3/4″ tall, 92% for weight, 98% for height.
During Month 18…
Chief took his first trip to San Antonio. Big Chief (Chase’s Dad) coaches a girls basketball team in Texas, and his team made it all the way to the state semi-finals…IN TEXAS. It was a pretty big deal. We drove 8 hours to surprise Big Chief and Honey, and the Denver City Fillies, and Chief conquered the Alamo.
He found his belly button. This could be my most favorite thing. He’ll show it to anyone that asks, but if you’re not careful he might show you where your belly button is too. It’s not as cute when he lifts up Mom’s shirt.
His favorite new toy is a 5 gallon Lowe’s bucket. He discovered this bucket in the garage several weeks ago and hasn’t let it out of his sight since. The bucket comes with us to check the mail, play in the yard, and has even gone to the park a few times. It’s the perfect place to stash your treasures – sticks, rocks, pine cones, and Sycamore seed pods. Chief thinks everyone should have a Lowe’s bucket.
His little legs didn’t stop moving. I don’t know how he does it, but that boy can cover some ground! He can walk so much further than I ever give him credit for – maybe he’ll let me borrow some of that endurance for my upcoming half marathon! I feel like this month he really transitioned to a toddler. He can go-go-go!
He got chatty. Everyday is a new word. Words are developing at lightning speed and I feel like Supermom if I write down his new word before he throws the next one at me. He added shoe, rock, cup, book, walk, avocado (which is really just “‘cado”), ball, keys, and date (as in the fruit). He learned to say “broke” when he throws the remote and it splits into 3 pieces, or when he needs to tattle on Dad. Chase broke a plastic hanger and Chief started yelling “Broke! Broke!” Moral of the story – break something in front of him and he’ll rat you out. “Bonk” when he hits his head, “uh-oh” when he throws his cup on the floor, and “nu-uh” when he doesn’t want what you’re offering (this is usually accompanied by a head shake).
He transitioned to 1 nap. This transition was a tough one, but I’m enjoying our new freedom. We got rid of his morning nap and moved his afternoon nap up by about an hour and a half. He’s still on a great sleeping schedule despite the change – he wakes up at 7:00 a.m., naps at 12:30 p.m., goes to bed at 7:00 p.m. While we haven’t had to soothe him to sleep in over a year, Chief will now pretty much put himself down for nap. He will toss Dog into his bed, turn on the sound machine, climb the chair to turn off the lamp, and sit on the floor of his room until you pick him up and put him bed. He’s like “Get with it parents, I’m tired.”
He became SO independent. If he could reach the top cabinets, he would have no use for me.
Mama Update
I’m still in the thick of half marathon training. My long runs this month were between 7 and 10 miles, with lots of short 3-4 miles runs in between. I’m feeling good, but 10 miles isn’t easy. I feel like I’m comfortable(ish) until mile 9 and then things start going down hill. Does 10 miles ever get easy?!

Running in San Antonio.
I did another 1 mile time trial this month and I set a new PR! That’s one of the satisfying things about training for something I’ve never done before – every week is a new PR or a farther distance than I’ve ever ran previously. My new 1 mile time is 6:41! I am so proud of myself. Heck, I was proud when I was in the 7:30 range.

Best training partner.
We’re still dealing with the final stages of our bathroom remodel. While all the big things are done and our bathroom is usable, we still don’t have baseboards and we’ve got a little texture to do on a very small portion of a wall. Maybe this weekend? Famous last words…

Can’t keep these little toes out of our shower – it’s his new favorite place.
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