I grew up in Chelsea, Oklahoma, a little town off Route 66, northeast of Tulsa. Home to Oklahoma’s first oil well, Oklahoma’s oldest bank, Clem McSpadden, and me. Chelsea might be home to more cows than people, and I’m ok with that.

Mural on a the side of Rexall Drug. Photo courtesy of takemytrip.com, because I forgot to take a picture.
I made a quick trip to Chelsea this last weekend for a long overdue family reunion. It was so great to catch up with extended family that I haven’t seen in years!
I woke up Saturday morning to this…
and this…
Dad and I drove over to the barn and shop to check on things before breakfast. Lesson learned – when at the shop, don’t bend over to pick something up off the ground. You will end up with a cat on your back.
As soon as we arrived home I got to work making monkey bread muffins for everyone. I chased my green smoothie with one of these bad boys. It’s all about balance, right? Recipe coming soon.
This guy insisted on making me step over him while making breakfast. He has to be right in the middle of all the action.
Then we were off to the reunion!

As a 5’9 girl, I never feel short. This is Whitney and I with our first cousins, Chris and Matt. I am the shortest… by a long shot.
Chase was unable to attend the reunion, so when I rolled back into Norman I came home to this… The Carnivore got a new truck! He’s on cloud nine.
It was a short, quick trip home, but much needed. My heart is full.