To say July/August have been busy would be a complete understatement. A REALLY REALLY great busy, but busy.
We had July 4th weekend, the next weekend I was in Charleston, the weekend after that was NYC, 8 days after New York was Colorado, 10 days after that was Canada, 3 days after Canada was my first Crossfit Competition, then the next weekend we were at Grand Lake. Between all of this, I tried to keep up with training, was in between nannies for Chief, left my oil/gas job, started potty-training Chief, and took on some new yoga projects.
I feel very, very grateful that we’ve been able to do all of these fun things, but I also feel a little like a crazy person.
Chief didn’t mind the crazy, he thought it was great! He took his first flight, first trip to the beach, first time out of the country, and first Sonic drink this month. It was a doozy.

We spent a week in Vancouver, British Columbia. I signed up to run a half marathon in Canada, and we decided to stay a week and make a family vacation out of it. It couldn’t have been better. Chief was a champ on the flight. We were so nervous going into it, but we came prepared with a bag full of snacks and activities and if all else failed we had an iPad to give him at a moment’s notice. By the time we were flying home, Chief was a flying pro. He would sit down, open his tray, and ask the sweet flight attendants for pretzels and a ginger-ale. He was a big fan!
We stayed in the most charming hotel right across from the English Bay and just a stone’s throw away from the magical Stanley Park. Chief had all the hotel front desk help wrapped around his little finger.
He rode in taxis, played on every playground in Stanley Park, saw lighthouses, cruise ships, float planes, cargo barges, and chased seagulls.
He had been begging to go the beach for months. When we finally made it, he didn’t care at all that it was the beach of the English Bay and it was 65 degrees outside. He threw shells, buried sticks, and built sand “cabins” until his little heart was content.
We visited the Vancouver Aquarium, took a cruise around the harbor, ate our way through Granville Island, saw old Gastown, and of course, we all had a role in the half marathon.
He stayed up late, missed naps, slept between us most nights, rode miles upon miles in the stroller everyday, and had the time of his life.
We started potty training. Woof. Potty training is hard. It feels like having a newborn all over again – stuck in the house, sitting on the toilet every 30 minutes, doing load after load of laundry, and keeping the carpet cleaner within arm’s reach. He’s doing well, I don’t know if I can complain – he’s got the pee part down. He’ll go pee, wipe, flush, and wash his hands all on his own. The poop part, however, is a completely different story. We’re two weeks in and he pooped in the toilet for the first time TODAY! I’ve been scrubbing a lot of underwear, recently I switched to just tossing them. It’s saving my sanity.

Things Chief said:
- “Chief’s trying Chief’s best.” When I was trying to get him to pee in the potty.
- “Your hair is crazy. You need to go see Matt (our hairdresser).”
- “Chief don’t like that plan.” When he was voting to go to the park, and we told him we were going back to the hotel to nap, then to dinner, THEN to the park.
- “We going to have more fun?!” First words out of his mouth every morning in Canada.

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