I feel terrible I didn’t get a Christmas card out this year. I realized around December 12 that I never placed my order – Oops! So how about this…
We don’t have kids, we didn’t go to Europe, we don’t a have a pet, and we look almost exactly the same as last year. Merry Christmas from The Bridgforths!
It kinda works, right? I guess it works if you’re in to super awkward Christmas cards. (Inspiration from Emily McDowell)
My mountain man is from New Mexico, so we had a Southwestern Christmas this year.
We loaded up his big, blue truck early Tuesday morning with presents, clothes and enough snacks to last a week – I might forget my toothbrush, but snacks? I’m always prepared.
As soon as we arrived in Lovington, we headed over to The Carnivore’s aunt and uncle’s house for dinner and Christmas games. This year’s Christmas is especially crazy! Nearly all the cousins are in town from Albuquerque to South Dakota to Oklahoma – it’s quite a crowd!
The Christmas game they play is unlike any other. I think that’s due to the fact that cousin Heath makes up the rules as we go…
When playing this game, a couple of rules you need to know: 1)Bring a gift. 2)Wear comfortable clothes, you will be doing physical activity. 3)Keep all personal secrets to yourself or they WILL get exposed when things get heated. I learn more about the family during this game than any other time of the year.
My husband thinks he’s so funny. The gift he contributed is this T-shirt that looks like it came from the Big Cabin truck stop. Please notice the little miniature Uncle Stephen holding his baby elk underneath the big elk. Nobody wanted to take it home, but everyone got a good laugh.
Erica ended up with my gift. A white ceramic coffee cup from Starbucks. Could it have been more perfect?!
I feel like I should also note, everyone was healthy that evening.
Christmas Eve started in the Lovington gym. The boys played basketball, while I led a baby yoga class. Brooklynn had been asking to yoga since the minute I arrived. As soon as I got to the gym she said “Cassie, I wore my yoga pants today.” They were so much fun!
We ate a barbecue Christmas Eve dinner together before we all headed in our separate directions.
Christmas Eve – 1 person down with the flu.
On Christmas Day everyone started at their own house with gifts from Santa and a gift exchange with the immediate family.

The Carnivore with his new GoPro!
Then everyone packed up and headed to Noni’s house for a HUGE Christmas morning breakfast – biscuits and gravy, cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, and copious amounts of coffee are consumed. This is before we sit down in our carb induced coma and open gifts.
With so many kids this year, it was super fun watching them get excited over all the gifts. They’re crazy. This picture isn’t the best quality, but it perfectly sums up the craziness of them all together:
Deacon had just fallen into the tree. When he fell he caused the circled ornament to bounce off the tree, and it’s .2327 seconds from landing on his head. Kinley looks like Dr. Dre. Jackson is B-boying to “Shake it Off”, and you might as well call Brooklynn “Cinnamon,” girl’s got moves for days. They’re hysterical!
Christmas morning – 1 throwing up.
Then we go home, play with our new goods, and take a nap before Christmas dinner. I can’t wait to get home and play with my new dutch oven!
Christmas Evening – 1 more throwing up.
It’s now the day after Christmas and we are quarantined to my in-laws’ house.
We are up to 3 with the flu, 3 throwing up, 1 with a sore throat, and 1 not feeling well. Thankfully these germs haven’t hit us yet.
To battle cabin fever, I took my new Brooks Ghost running shoes on their inaugural run around Lovington. Santa gets me. He really gets me.
This flat lander cannot handle elevation. 4.5 miles has never hurt so bad. My lungs are on fire.
We are spending the day watching movies, taking naps, and doing our best to avoid the germs that are being passed around this Christmas.
Hope you all had a happy and healthy Christmas!! Pray for us…and send Tamiflu.
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Please send the recipeâs for green smootherâs to me againâ¦..Thanking you in advanceâ¦â¦Joyce