This has to be a record. I’m writing this ONE DAY after Chief turned 22 months. Also, how is he 22 months? Two years old is coming for me and I just can’t process it. He’s too little to be 2 years old.
We are loving our 22 month old boy! He’s a little naughty, a little sweet, and a whole lot of cute. He loves the pool, loves all things trucks, and would eat popsicles all day everyday if I’d let him.
Baby Update.
He’s obsessed with trucks. Specifically, the trash truck. The highlight of Chief’s whole week is on Monday. Not only does the trash truck come to our house, but the recycling truck makes a stop too! We stand at the door, wave to the drivers, and Chief cheers as they unload our trash cans. Monday’s are an exciting day on Baker Street.

Baby Driver
He went camping in Red River, NM. We pulled our camper to New Mexico and spent 5 days enjoying 75 degree temperatures. Aside from riding in his car seat for 10 hours, Chief had the time of his life! If he wasn’t sleeping, he was outside. He threw so many rocks into the Red River I’m surprised it’s still flowing. He played with his cousins, splashed in the stream, dug in the dirt, caught fish with Dad, played on every playground we came across, and even got to see the Red River trash trucks. Those trucks were the icing on his very dirty cake.

Played too hard.
Dad turned 32. Chase introduced Chief to trout fishing, and Chief decorated Chase’s lemon-meringue birthday pie.
He loves yoga. One morning, we could not figure out why he was yelling for Dog. He had Dog in his hand, but kept saying “D-dog, D-dog, D-dog” We were so confused. In frustration, Chief ran to the living room and pulled my yoga mat from behind the couch. I helped him unroll it and he immediately threw his hands down and popped up into a down dog. “OH!!! Down dog.” Now we know. He regularly pulls my mat out for his asana practice.
He’s so independent. Whatever I’m doing, he wants to do. He loads the washing machine, sometimes with clean clothes hanging in the closet. He shucks corn, he loves to pull the leaves off but hates touching the silky threads. He’s still all about washing the produce, as long as he gets to take as many bites as he wants. He insists on throwing all the trash away, and begs to put his dirty diapers into the diaper genie. He will gladly lay still for a diaper change if you tell him he can put it in the trash.
He spent LOTS of time with family. Chief got lots of time with Big Chief and Honey, La La (Chase’s sister), aunts and uncles on both sides, cousins we haven’t seen in nearly 2 years and that’s just Chase’s side! We made a trip to Chelsea to spend a quick weekend with my side too.

Dude time.


Walks with Honey.
He graduated from ISR swimming lessons. Chief finished up 7 weeks of survival swim lessons this month and he did so great! He’s swimming with his face in the water and will roll to his back if he needs air. I am SO PROUD of him and we feel so much more comfortable with him being around our pool.
Our 4th of July was overshadowed by the passing of Chase’s Mema. She loved Chief and I’m so happy she got to know him. I wish he was old enough to remember her, but knowing how much Mema loved him makes it sting a little less.
My most favorite memory of her was just after Chief was born. At this point Mema didn’t leave home much, but she had our Aunt Joyce drive her to Norman so she could sit and rock him for a couple hours. She was so proud to be his great-grandma.
We all gathered in Stroud to celebrate her life and Chief wore her trashcan like a hat. I know she was looking down and laughing.
Mama Update.
I am in the thick of half marathon training. Scheduling time to train is much more difficult this time around – the temperatures are too hot to take Chief (not like he would ride in the stroller willingly anyway) and Chase is working out earlier. I’ve done several 5:00am runs and more than I’d like at 2:00pm, when sweat is dripping into my eyes and you can’t find a dry patch on me. I keep telling myself since I can’t train at elevation, maybe heat & humidity is the next best thing. I’m headed to the Rockies next week!


Early morning runs make for the best views.
My college besties reunited in Pittsburgh, PA. We live all over the country so once a year we make a point to get together in a new destination. This year was a little different. Our girlfriend, Haley, lives in Pittsburgh. She just had a baby 4 months ago and wasn’t going to be able to meet up with us this year. The other three of us got together and decided that we would fly to Pittsburgh to snuggle babies and spend a long weekend with all 4 of us. But we didn’t tell Haley…

Leaving the airport, ready to surprise Haley!
We coordinated the weekend with her husband, but completely left her in the dark. Meghan flew in from Houston, Erin from New York, and me from Norman – we all met at the airport, grabbed a pizza, and Ubered to her house. We knocked on her door for at least two minutes. Really, we’ve got it on video. We joked with her later that if we wouldn’t have traveled so far we probably would’ve walked away. When she did come to the door, the look on her face was completely worth the travel, the wait at the door, and the few days away from my Chief. It was a pretty special moment.Being with friends is so good for my soul. I forget how much I miss them until we’re all together. They’ve known me at my best, my worst, and everything in between. They know my deepest, darkest secrets and I never laugh as hard as I do when I’m with them. I’m so thankful for my girls.
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